Lesson Plan and Structure
Faculty of Medicine

Lesson Plan and Structure

In the teaching plan, there are theoretical courses, applications, laboratory works, studio/workshop works, thesis, projects, extracurricular activities, internship, workplace applications and similar other studies. The teaching plans are designed to be complemented by the collection of relevant credits from the course categories in different ECTS credits in order to meet the qualifications defined in the TYYÇ (National Qualifications Framework for Higher Education in Turkey). Courses in the categories may be compulsory and/or elective. In order to complete the education, students are obliged to pass the predefined ECTS credits from the related categories. Neither internship nor application courses can be substituted with another course.

Teaching plans are designed to include 360 ECTS credits for six-year undergraduate / graduate level and students are offered 30 ECTS credits for each semester. The nominal student workload for the semester is 30 ECTS credits.

Türkçe Adıİngilizce Adı

Tıp Bilimlerine Giriş (1. DK)

Introduction to Medical Sciences

Temel Hücre Yapısı ve Sağlık Kavramları (2. DK)

Basic Cellular Structure and Health Concepts

Hücre İşleyişi ve Mikroorganizmalar (3. DK)

Cellular Function and Microorganisms

Doku-Organ Sistemlerine Giriş (4.DK)

Introductions to Tissue – Organ Systems

Hekimlik Uygulamaları (DK)

Medical Practices

Atatürk İlkeleri İnkılap Tarihi ve Modern Türkiye’nin Oluşumu (ZD-GY)

Principles of Ataturk and Formation of Modern Turkey

Atatürk İlkeleri İnkılap Tarihi ve Modern Türkiye’nin Oluşumu (ZD-BY)

Principles of Ataturk and Formation of Modern Turkey

Türkçe Eleştirel Okuma ve Yazma (ZD-GY)
Critical Reading and Writing in Turkish

Türkçe Eleştirel Okuma ve Yazma (ZD-BY)

Critical Reading and Writing in Turkish

İngilizcede Eleştirel Okuma ve Yazma (ZD-GY)

Critical Reading and Writing in English

İngilizcede Eleştirel Okuma ve Yazma (ZD-BY)

Critical Reading and Writing in English  

Araştırma Teknikleri ve Bilimsel Yazım (SD-GY)

Research Techniques and Scientific Writing

Türk Sağlık Sistemi ve Hastane Yönetimi (SD-GY)

Turkish Health System and Medical Management

Tıpta Deney Hayvanı Kullanımı (SD-GY)

Use of Experimental Animals in Medicine

Çağdaş Yaşam Sanatı (SD-BY)

Contemporary Art of Life

Sağlık Politikaları ve Ekonomisi (SD-BY)
Health Politics and Economics

Türkiye’de Sık Görülen Hastalıklar (SD-BY)
Endemic Diseases in Turkey