Department of Medical BiochemistryMedical Biochemistry is a science in which biological processes occurring in humans are examined at molecular level and their functions and interactions in living systems are investigated with chemical principles. Today, biochemistry develops in two main branches: general and clinical. Clinical Biochemistry is medicine and clinic-specific laboratory science and medical laboratory specialization which covers biochemical mechanisms in health and disease, prevention of diseases, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, body fluids in prognosis and monitoring of treatment, tissues, examination of body secretions through chemical and molecular biological methods and organ function tests, selection and application of tests, medical interpretation of results, consultation for clinicians and laboratory diagnosis. The field of biochemistry has a multidisciplinary feature which constitutes the scientific richness of our field.In the 2017-2018 Academic Year, our Department applied a problem-based learning model in the courses; Within the framework of academic activities carried out with voluntary students, we read literature in Turkish and English and made efforts to convert them into articles and we aim at continuing this process in the following years. Our aim, within the framework of life-long and continuing medical education, is to educate doctors equipped with high ethical values who are able to discuss the mechanisms in health and disease, who have knowledge and skills related to the pre-analysis and post-analysis stages of the laboratory tests, who use current information technologies, who follow the literature, who have a decent relationship with the colleagues and who participate actively in scientific activities.Prof. Yılmaz ATAMERHead of Medical BiochemistryAsst. Prof. Türkan GÜNEY Facebook'ta Paylaş Twitter'da Paylaş LinkedIn'de Paylaş E-posta Gönder Whatsapp'ta Paylaş