Department of PhysiologyPhysiology is a branch of science that focuses on the functioning and regulation of the systems that provide the vitality of the human organism. The aim of the Department is to provide the students with theoretical and practical knowledge about regulation of the systems such as respiratory system, circulatory system, digestive system, endocrine and central nervous system, which form the basis of vitality in the first two semesters and to prepare them for clinical education equipping them with knowledge. The Department of Physiology was founded in 2017 together with the Faculty of Medicine of Beykent University and has two faculty members: Prof. Halil TUNALI (Head of Department) and Prof. İsmet Artun ÖNCEL both of whom continue their education at the Department. Our education is carried out in the form of theoretical and laboratory applications for Term I and Term II students in Faculties of Medicine and Dentistry.Prof. Halil TUNALIHead of Physiology Department Facebook'ta Paylaş Twitter'da Paylaş LinkedIn'de Paylaş E-posta Gönder Whatsapp'ta Paylaş